Steven Gill

I am a multidisciplinary designer. Much of my graphic design includes unconventional materials, and usually incorporates mediums like screenprinting, paint, and photography. I like taking simplistic topics from multiple mediums and layering meaning and process to make the topics more complex. To me, process is the most interesting and important part of any type of art form. After graduation I plan on staying in the Toledo area working at a screenprinting or graphic design firm. I hope to also continue my interest with photography and fashion and expand this hobby to a potential MFA degree and job. My ultimate dream is to be the art director for GQ Magazine in New York City. Working in a large city has always been an interest for me, as well as working abroad, due to studying in Florence, Italy the summer leading into my junior year of college. Although I do not have any educational background in the fashion and magazine industry, I do take the time to study layouts, photo shoots, fashion brands, clothing designers, and anything else related to the field. Because of so many interests, I am very eager to get out into the real world to further my education and explore any possibilities that come my way.
